The Insect Electrophysiology Laboratory has 5 mostly equivalent stations for student use. The whole laboratory is available to students not just during class hours, but also 24 hours a day. Reservation of a specific station to work outside of class is suggested but not required.
Currently, the laboratory has the following equipment (this list is not yet complete):
Bought specifically for the NROS 415 laboratory:
- A-M Systems Differential AC Amplifier, Model 1700 (5 units)
- Windows PC laptops running Windows 7 (5 units)
- Picoscope 3425 (5 units)
- Fiber-Lite High Intensity Illuminator Series 180 (3)
- Video Converter Adaptor (allows display of composite video on a computer screen)
- Vizio 42" LCD TV
On loan from Neuroscience laboratories:
- Silver electrode wire, 0.003" and 0.008" diameter (Higgins lab)
- Glass micropipettes with filament (Higgins lab)
- BNC cables (many) (Higgins lab, Levine lab)
- A-M Systems Isolated Pulse Stimulator, Model 2100 (Levine lab)
- Nikon SMZ800 Microscope (??? lab)
- CCD-IRIS Color Video Camera, Sony, 1 unit, adapted to the Nikon SMZ800 (Higgins lab)
- Wild Heerbrugg Microscope (Levine lab)
- Wild M3Z Microscope (Levine Lab)
- aus JENA microscope (??? lab)
- Olympus Microscope (Higgins lab)
- Nikon Microscope (?? lab)
- Pipete Puller Pul-1, Wolrd Precision Instruments (Oland lab)
- Flaming-Brown Micropipette Puller, Model P 80/PC (Levine lab)
- Vertical Pipette Puller Model 700C, David Kopf Instruments (Oland lab)
- Fiber optic illuminators (2) (Levine lab, Oland lab)
- 2 VGA monitors (Department of Neuroscience)